Andrew Liu


Andrew, a South Bay native, has a strong background in competitive club volleyball in the region. He began his volleyball journey by playing for competitive club teams at various clubs including Bay to Bay, Mountain View Volleyball Club, and Academy. This extensive experience playing club volleyball helped him develop his skills and understanding of the game.

He continued his playing career at Purdue University, where he was part of the competitive club volleyball team. His team had the opportunity to travel to Nationals, competing at the highest club level. Andrew pursued a degree in computer science at Purdue, and he has since established a career as a software engineer. His analytical mindset, honed through his education and profession, has contributed to his deep understanding of the game of volleyball.

Andrew also ventured into coaching high school volleyball upon his return to the Bay Area. His experience as a setter during his playing career allowed him to comprehend both the defensive and offensive aspects of the sport, which has proven invaluable in his coaching career.

In the previous season, Coach Andrew served as the co-head coach of the 14-1s team, leading them to a successful season and setting them up for a promising high school season. He is enthusiastic about returning to the coaching staff, collaborating with his coaching partner, Cooper, to continue contributing to the team's success.